Address <Head Office>
No.7-Koike Bldg., 6F,,2-3-6,Minami-Shinagawa,
Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, 140-0004,Japan
Tel : +81-3-5783-0053 Fax : +81-3-5783-0058
Establishment December 1982
Capital US$200,000.-
CEO Kazuaki Tachibana
COO Akihiro Ohsawa
CFO Toshinori Miura
Auditor Kazuo Komiya
Bank Information The Mizuho Bank Ltd., Gotanda Branch
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi,UFJ, Shinagawa Branch
Handling Items

<Electronics Components Div.>

  1. Terminal Block
  2. Switch
  3. Rotary Encoder
  4. Motor
  5. Crystal products
  6. Capacitor
  7. Connector
  8. Phone Plug & Jack
  9. LCD Module
  10. Sensor
  11. Ultrasonic transducer
  12. Power supply
  13. Transformer
  14. Coil
  15. EMI Filter
  16. Rotary Solenoid
  17. Relay
  18. Thermal sheet
  19. Thermal Interface Silicone Rubber
  20. Ferrite core
  21. Etc.,

<Computer Peripherals Div.>

  1. Motherboard
  2. Graphic Board
  3. CD-RW Drive/DVD Drive
  4. PC Case
  5. LCD
  6. Keyboard
  7. Power supply
  8. NAS Server, NVR
  9. Print Server
  10. HDD
  11. SIMM
  12. Rack mount case
  13. RAID Control Card
  14. Customized Wireless SD Card
  15. Etc.,